

Sign up for Binance with VipDeposits by following the steps below:


Begin your way with VipDeposits
Sign up for Binance using our link to get pleasant bonuses from VipDeposits, such as 15% discount on the commissions for cryptocurrency transactions and highly responsive customer support.


Provide Binance with the required information
Begin registration by filling in the fields with your email address and a password. Make sure the password you write is unique and secure and you don’t use it on other sites. Then continue with getting acquainted with the terms of use of the crypto exchange and ensure that you are familiar with them. Pay attention to the fact that you can sign up with your email address or phone number.


Email confirmation
When the previous step is completed, you will receive a code sent to your email. Enter it in the required field to confirm your email address.


Replenish your account
To begin trading as soon as possible, it is possible to deposit funds in your account the very moment you created it. Please note that this step could be skipped and you can continue with step 5.


Make your account secured
To make sure your account is fully protected, you can combine some methods described below:

  • Anti-phishing code – Create a code that will be unique and contain from 4 to 20 characters to protect yourself from e-mail fraud. How does it work? Each time you get an email from Binance, this code will be in it. In such a way, you can ascertain that the letter is original.
  • Two-factor authentication via Google – Get the Google Authenticator application to your phone, link your Binance account to it and ensure you use one-time codes for protection.
  • SMS authentication – Link your phone number to your Binance account and confirm your desire to be receiving messages about your transactions.
  • Whitelist for withdrawing money – Add all your accounts and follow it. This means there will be only one method to withdraw funds and you will not have to worry about anything. By the way, to withdraw and deposit your money and freely use other functions of your Binance account, it is recommended to go through the process of verification described here.

Join the VipDeposits Loyalty Programme
After having completed the previous steps, you are supposed to return to the VipDeposits site to fill out the application that will link you to the loyalty program. Thanks to it, you can get trustworthy support from VipDeposits customer service as well as 10% discount on cryptocurrency transactions fees.

Registration of a Binance account with VipDeposits is very easy and beneficial. So, follow this link, create a new Binance account and fill out the application on VipDeposits site to join the loyalty programme right now!
VipDeposits + Binance

Join Binance + VipDeposits Loyalty program

Step 1: Create Binance account
If you already have a Binance account, please proceed to Step 2 and fill out the form.
Step 2: Enter your account details
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